jueves, 16 de junio de 2011
Lol Brand Guide - The Undying Flame!
Lol Brand Guide -The Undying Flame!
Hey ladies and gentlemen! Here's a little background of Brand
Brand's story:
In a faraway place known as Lokfar there was a seafaring marauder called Kegan Rodhe. As was his people's way, Kegan sailed far and wide with his fellows, stealing treasures from those unlucky enough to catch their attention. To some, he was a monster; to others, just a man. One night, as they sailed through the arctic waters, strange lights danced over the frozen wastes. There was something hypnotic about them; it was something that drew them to it like moths to a flame. Trekking across the frozen waste, they came to a cave covered in ancient runes. The meaning of the runes long lost to them, Kegan led the way inside. There, inside a perfect cage of ice floated a dancing column of flame. There was no way such a thing should be burning, especially not in this place. However, its movement was as hypnotic as a siren's song, captivating and seductive. While the others stayed back, Kegan could not help but approach it while holding out his hand...
That is the last thing Kegan Rodhe remembers, for now his body belongs to Brand. It is a creature of olden times, perhaps even a casualty of the Rune Wars. It is known in ancient texts as the Burning Vengeance. It is a creature of pure fiery hate that exists for no other reason than to lay waste the world of men and yordles. No one is quite sure how Brand found his way to Valoran, but he began his predations at once. Overcome by Demacian forces, he was given a choice: fight within the confines of the League or die. Naturally, he chose to use his destructive powers in the League, for now...
''This place will burn, not by cinder flying or breath of wind, but by the vengeance of my hand.''
Some Changes...
Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen! Has been changed to:
I have changed my mind and have done some changes:
As many have already complained about why I use Doran's ring I have changed my mind and replaced it with Meki Pendant
, because of its mana reg.
Since Meki is much cheaper than Doran's
, I can also have some potions
with me early in the game. With Doran's ring
I only get extra 100hp but two health potions equivalent to 400hp! Something that I recommend to you guys.
Thanks to Brand's epic harassing, I agree that mana reg. should be registered rather than rylai's scepter . (That is Early in the game)
And with Meki Pendant I can upgrade it to Morello's Evil Tome
I can't do anything with Doran's ring in late game, i'm just losing money.
Well, that's my opinion.
- Thanks for all tips and comments, really apperciate it!
Brand - 100% Nuke?
If you'd rather play Brand as 100% Nuke, with no def. items at all, only very much mana combined with a lot Ability Power!
I think you should go for these items: -
If you are unsure which of the items you should use, please take a look at the Synology under:
" Void staff Or Lich Bane? "
This chapter will give reasons why you should either go for Void staff or Lich Bane.
Early Game
Early in the game you should go for mid lane, if you are not allowed for any reason, you should go top.
But if you are allowed to go mid, you should follow these few tips:
- Remember to farm a lot!! (Cause your expensive build.)
- Always buy Meki Pendant Great mana reg, and it's awesome combined with your runes and masteries. You should also buy two health potions
With Meki Pendant, you can also upgrade it to Morello's Evil Tome
- In your first move you should start with the ability: Conflagration
Thanks to its long range, you can harass a lot without getting attacked, usually.
- After you have come in level three, you must assume that your enemy is playing very defensive, probably.
This is not necessarily a disadvantage for you, you can try to zone them to keep them from getting experience.
- If your enemy already has little life left and needs to return to base, you should use the chance to push his tower, while you kill all of his minions, and then going back to base and buy one sight ward ( Because of ganks from the side there it's dangerous. ) 20 ability and even boots, if you have farmed enough.
Mid Game
- Once you have reached lvl 6, you should have built your Sorcerer's boots , and you should almost be done with rylai's Crystal Scepter rylai's crytal cepter . ( With good farm. )
- Your skill order should be: Conflagration Pillar Of Flame
, Sear
, Pillar Of Flame
and Pillar Of Flame
again, followed by Ultimate: Pyroclasm
- Now the enemy will focus on you first in team fights, so make sure to stay behind your team, and do everything you can!
- Try to refrain from using your Ultimate on five enemies that is near many minions.
It will ruin the effect of your ultimate, a lot!
- Try always to make some ganks with your teammates. Always open with E-> then Q which resutls to an awesome stun, then use Pillar Of Flame . Ignite
is also smart, if the target is getting away with low hp.
- At the end of the Mid Game, you should have built: Done Rylai's Crystal Scepter , Morello's Evil Tome
, and maybe Rabadon's Deathcap
( If you have received enough kills or farmed a lot! )
Late Game
If you have survivability problems, you should go for Banshee's Veil
But if you're actually fighting against only a melee-team, you should either go for Glacial shroud Because of it's armor, instead of magic resistance.
It also gives you some mana and nice cooldown reduction.
Later in the game, you should upgrade it to Frozen hearth, pretty awesome against champions with high attack speed.
Void staff or Lich bane?
The question is; or
When you are finished with all your items, except the sixth, you have to choose between void staff and Lich Bane
If you play against an unsquishy team, I would probably gone for void staff , due to its 40% magic penetration. Etc: Xin Zhao
, Mordekaiser
, malphite
, Cho gath
,Dr. Mundo
, Rammus
, Renekton
But if you would rather meet a more squishy team, you should go for Lich bane .
Lich Bane will help yourself in one on one battles, and sometimes team matches.
Not only because of its passive, but also in terms of what other items you get from Lich Bane : 80 Ability power, 350 Mana and 30 magic resistance.
This is your choice!
Hope this helped.
Mejai's VS Morello's
Mejai's soulstealer:
- Not too expensive. (Easy to get in early game, with good farm.)
- Provides very much ability power when it's full stacked.
- Your champion's cooldowns are reduced by 15%, with 20 stacks.
- You lose a third of your stacks if you die.
- The item is completely useless if your team is about to lose early in the game.
- More like gambling.
- No, mana reg. or cooldown reduction. (Only Ability power) Only cooldown reduction if full stacked. Morello's Evil Tome
- Morello's Evil Tome gives you amazing mana reg.
- Good starting Ability power.
- Awesome cooldown reduction, 15%.
- Not too expensive.
- Nothing to say.
My opinion:
And the winner is: Morello's Evil Tome.
You should really go for Morello's, well that's my opinion. : )
Have a nice day.
- Prototype
Rune setups and why
This is my runes: ->
- I believe that all caster need Magic penetration.
This is very important, cause it makes it easier for you to nuke down enemies, early game. - Mana is a HUUUUGE problem for brand.
Brand is also a GREAT harasser, and with much mana reg, you can hold the lane forever.
This is why you should buy Meki Pendant as your first item, to max out your mana reg.
- Since you're not starting with any Ability power items, you should really go for Ability Power runes.
Ability power per level, is much better since you're getting more out of it!
And the reason I've added three Magic penetration runes at my Blue page is mostly because, I think 10 Magic Pen. is much better than 7. Easy reason. - As I've said, Brand needs Ability power early game to harass his own lane very well.
Skill Sequence
Hey summoners!
The reason I suggest maxing out Pillar Of Flame is because of it's amazing long range and good damage overall. first is because Pillar Of Flame
is an AOE, and is very useful for team fights, but it is a disadvantage: Looooong Cooldown compared with Conflagration
, it is therefore i recommend Morello's Evil Tome
It gives 20% cooldown reduction, 12 mana reg per 5 sec and 75 ability power = Epic!
Also i find it being very useful for farming, you just open up with Pillar of Flame and then click Conflagration
on the creep standing in the middle of the pile so to deal as much AoE damage as possible. (Also in team fights)
During team-fights i usually open with Pillar of Flame , followed by Conflagration
and in the end Sear to stun the opponent making sure he does not run away. In case the enemies are standing near each other, after the W-E-Q combo i throw in the ulti Pyroclasm
During 1v1 fights i usually open with Conflagration and Ignite
followed by Sear
and end with Pillar of Flame
to deal the maximum damage. Keep in mind that once your abilities are on cooldown you are helpless so i suggest keep some distance between you and your opponent, in the case that it is a melee champion. ( Or you should go for Lich Bane
have been experimenting on the skill sequence to find the most dmg dealing sequence. I think I have found it. This sequence will destroy any champ in a matter of seconds.
E -> Q
-> W
Followed by his ultimate -> R
There it is. but i have found sometimes its hard to land the sear so some times i just go for this (this works when more than 2 or three enemy champs are in range)
Summoner Spells
"Since my passive is already like a bonus spell (DoT) more like a ignite, I think it's even better with ignite
, that's results to a super DoT. "
Obviously TWO awesome Dots!
I can personally attest that Ignite has counted for a significant number of my kills both early and late in the game, REALLY!
Brand has no escape mechanism ( Only stun, if you are lucky ). I will probably never play AP Brand without Flash . Easy to get out of ganks and etc.
Other spells to consider:
Ghost - The Ghost/Flash
combo is the pretty standard squishy survival kit. Ghost
is not a bad choice at all, but since I have stun and Rylai's
I don't see this very important at all.
Don't bother with anything else!
Pros / Cons
* Awesome Damage
* AOE Damage
* Stun if used correctly ( Have to combine your spells. )
* Nukes targets pretty fast
* Epic farmer
*None of his skills recharge fast. Therefore,if you use all of them at one target,you'll need to wait for 5 secs or even more to use again, bad for 1vs1 fights.
*No good escape mechanism (only if u use his stun correctly,or using Flash )
*Hard to master, but you should really give him a try. Don't give up after one single game, try him 4 times or something. Worth a try!
In this chapter, I have received lots of help from 5Forwards.
Thanks a lot.
Basic tips
Here's some tips:
1.Farm a lot. Your build will be expensive so make sure to farm creeps.Besides,it's something that Brand can do easily.
2. Stay back in team fights.You will most probably be the first target. Probably..
3. Whenever going back to base, always get a couple of potions (do that until lvl 9).
4. Brand is squishy so make sure not to overreact.Once you do the mistake there's no turning back,no way to escape like other champions. Demand from your teammates to say miss.
5. Make sure to combine your spells correctly, that results to higher damage.
6. Always use you ultimate in team fights. You should probably use it on the tank. Cause if you use it one a squishy champion who dies in 1 sec, your ultimate is lost in one shot.
7. You can deter enemies from standing near their minions by setting them ablaze, due to conflagration.
8. You can also use Brans abilities in a variety of combinations to maximize his damage in different situations.
9. Pyroclasm bounces randomly between enemies, so try to cast it on a small group of enemies if you want to hit the same target lots of times. preferably not close to many minions!
In this chapter, I have received lots of help from 5Forwards.
Thanks a lot.
Brand's spells light his targets ablaze, dealing 2% of their maximum Health in magic damage per second for 4 seconds. Sear
Brand launches a ball of fire forward that deals magic damage. If the target is ablaze, Sear will stun the target for 2 seconds. Pillar Of Flame
After a short delay, Brand creates a pillar of flame at a target area, dealing magic damage to enemy units with the area. Units that are ablaze take an additional 25% damage.
In other words, Brand create a circle of fire at a specific area. If you hit the target with a different spell and that the target is already ablaze Pillar of Flame will deal 25% additional damage.
If the target is not ablaze Pillar of Flame will deal normal damage and put the target ablaze. Conflagration
Brand conjures a powerful blast at his target, dealing magic damage to them. If the target is ablaze, Conflagration spreads to nearby enemies.
What this ability means is that Brand hit the enemy with a powerful spell that hit for a specific amount of damage and if the target enemy is ablaze it will spread to it surrounding.
Again if the target is not ablaze, Conflagration will only deal damage and not spread to its nearby enemies and will put the selected target ablaze. Pyroclasm
Brand unleashes a devastating torrent of fire, dealiing magic damage each time it bounces. If a target is ablaze, Pyroclasm's missile speed increases.
In short, Brand sends a HUGE fireball at the enemy when it hits the target its going to bounce at the closest enemy unit. If the target is ablaze its going to increase the speed at which the fireball goes.