To Begin
Samurai Master Yi
Hi everyone, welcome to my Master Yi guide.
I'm French so please excuse all the grammar / vocabulary mistakes you can notice.
It's my first guide so it may lacks of some informations, if so please just tell me so I can provide the missing parts.
I'm a huge fan of Master Yi and I recently realized that jungling improves his capabilities mid/late game. He's squishy and you may not be able to farm properly on a lane early game (if you're facing heavy CCer for instance, welcome Taric and
Sion or two ranged champs, hi
Soraka and
Miss Fortune ). When I tried to look for a good jungle guide I realized every items build were the same, no survivability items and not enough informations on how to jungle properly. I must admit none of them fit my needs. I expect this guide to be more complete, to be a really good base to start with Jungle Yi or to improve your own experience of this playstyle.
That's why I'm writting this guide, to have a real in-depth analysis on how to jungle with Yi and how to carry your team to the victory !
Have a nice read ladies and gentlemen...
Note: This build is under the beta phase. It may be reworked if not clear enough, or if some information is missing or just if there are too much english mistakes (need your comments to know).
Note 2: I presented several different build sequences that works for me. You may have noticed that some of them contains more than 6 items. The Wriggle's Lantern is supposed to get sold at some point in the game (likely when you get
The Bloodthirster or
Stark's Fervor ).
Pros & Cons
If you are there I think you already choose to play Yi, if so skip this part.
If you are wondering what champion you should play or why should you play Yi, here's the perfect section for you.
• High damages all game long• Epic farming capabilities
• Good chasing capabilities
• Good jungling capabilities (epic if you have luck)
• Really easy to play against noobies / unorganized teams (resulting in a lof of fun =D)
• Interesting to play against skilled players (they will underestimate you)
• Opportunity to multikill (Pentakill ?!)
• Skilled baiting capabilities
• Squishy• Low escape capabilities (if
• Heavily Focused on Teamfights
• Hard to learn the right behaviour in Teamfights (When to engage / run away), where to positionate)
• No special Counter-jungling capabilities
• Highly vulnerable to CC
In my opinion Yi is a really easy champion to play against noobs but needs really more practice against skilled players (what is interesting). You will get focused, disabled, got down if you play it the wrong way, it's all about when, where and who to strike. If you do it well you can carry your team to the victory. If you die too soon or too often your team will lack a serious amount of damage output and it's a risk you can't afford.
Let's move on to the real guide, that was only for those who were still wondering "why would I play Yi". The real question would be "Why wouldn't I play Yi ?" x)
Runes, Masteries and Summoner Spells
Let's start with Runes as it comes before anything else in the game.First of all I'm an adept of the "Runes for Early Game" way of thoughts. Imo runes are useful to give an edge early game, not to increase your potential later on. Why so ? Because late game your items provide you what you need, it's not the +200 mana or +150 health that will save your ass, but the equipment you have been able to purchase thanks to your prosperous early game.
Quints: Desolation
I like to deal damages, everybody does.It's increasing your jungle speed (Creeps do have armor) and improving your ganking impact early game. Also gives few Armor Pen if you're not getting
Marks: Desolation
I choose these marks for the same reason I choose my quints, Armor Pen is incredibly useful on AD carries. These runescan be switched for Attack Speed marks. Flat Attack Damages Marks are not optimized, one point in armor pen worths more than one AD. I recently switched this Marks for Marks of Alacrity (Attack Speed) and it gives some good results too (but still in-testing).
Seals: Resilience
A must-have on Yi, he's too squishy, you need survivability. Flat HP seals are not viable imho. I don't see other Seals you can take.
Glyphes: Intellect
Yi's abilities are expansive in mana, as a jungler you will get the blue buff early game but you should let your AP carry take it later on. An extra +100 mana is really helpful, whether it is early or late game. It also helps you ganging without the blue buff. I dont see other runes you could take.So Armor Penetration for the early damages output bonus and the lack of Armor Pen. late game, Armor for the survivabilityand Mana max for the sustainability in your jungle.
Hmm a short part, nothing fancy there, I go for an offensive tree 21 / 0 / 9.Taking the 4 points in Awarness needed for any jungler (if you dont have these points you won't level up when killing the two small golems on level 1).
Grabbing one point in Utility mastery to increase the duration of my buffs.
Summoner Spells
My two cents.Other viable summoner spells
You should not take any other spells in a regular Jungling game.
Skill Order
The part that needed the more practice. I worked hard to find a skill build that fits my expectations, and I think I finally found what I needed.
My skill sequence offers a high damage output through early and mid game, far more than any other Yi build I have seen.
Note: Never pick your first spell before you actually start jungling, you may need Alpha Strike in case of a teamfight (to chase for instance). Also don't stick to one Skill Order, you may need to chose
Meditate instead of
Alpha Strike at a certain level if you need HP. A Skill Order is a general guideline (as the item build is), you have to choose your skills depending on your current needs.
Wuju Style: First spell. You may ask why I'm throwing away the 20% chance to deal 400 damages to nearby creeps (from
Alpha Strike ). Because my playstyle is not relying on luck ! If you're not getting the procc against the two first small golems you will receive more damages, a thing you can't afford while jungling. Whereas if you choose
Wuju Style you will kill them faster. Then I max out Wuju to increase my damages output by 35 (70 when enabled) without buying a damage item. A damage boost of 70 worths about 2500 gold.
Alpha Strike: I only spend one point into this. Why ? Because (I'm not relying on luck to jungle)² I only use this spell asmechanism to get close to ennemy champion. The goal here is to have a chasing mechanism who doesnt cost much mana because you're leveling this up at high levels.
Meditate: What makes you a good jungler. Coupled with blue buff it almost makes you an unstoppable jungling machine. It's hard to get out of hp, even more if you have lifesteal items. It also gives a really nice opportunity to bait your opponents.
Highlander: Not much to say, the spell that makes you dominate almost any champion 1v1 (ST*U
Jax !). Also gives you a chance to multi/penta kill.
I think I'm done with this. What next ?
Items Analysis
The hard part...
What makes you a bad or a good Yi. What makes your jungle effective... or not.
I tried a lot of build, I even tried to jungle without Madred's Razors . But it's not efficient at all.
I saw a lot of Yi, I read a lot of guides and I experienced a lot of bad or good builds. I'm up to share my secrets with you...
Note: My build is an AD build. I won't speak about AP Yi who is not legit and not efficient at all, in my opinion but also in theory. Master Yi as a perfect synergie based on damages, it would be silly to give him AP when it only improves two out of fourspells. And if you say "improving damages won't improve any skills" I will say you are totally wrong. Yi is meant to be played with damages or else he wouldn't have a pure damage ability and a ultimate that incredibly increases his attack speed.
But a build based on pure damages in only viable against low skilled enemies. You can't expect to win a game with Phantom Dancer ,
Infinity Edge ,
Stark's Fervor ,
The Bloodthirster ,
Berserker's Greaves and
Last Whisper . It would just don't work (excepted if you are a pro in teamfight and you'll never ever get CCed, in that case I will claim you're the first Yi I ever see that never gets focused).
Your build must be versatile. Even more with Yi. You are squishy and you are a damage machine, it's easy in your opponents' mind: a good Yi is a dead Yi. And if you don't build any survivability / anti CC item you're as good as dead. If someone says he never built such items with Yi, it means he's a bad Yi. If you die as soon as the fight starts, you're useless for your team. Even if you know when to enter a fight and when to hide yourself, you need survivability items because you can't always know what enemies' spells are on cooldown, if they can CC you and so on...
As you can see there are several different but still quite similar build sequences. I almost always follow one of this build. I'm adapting the items I purchass depending on how well I manage to farm, how my game is going, who I'm facing and so on... I'll explain all of the build later on.
Build Order
• As a lot of junglers you will start off with aItems bought:
Jungle Needs
• You need 700g to affordItems bought:
• But as a jungler you also need mobility, to get back faster to your jungle between each recall and to gank properly. Your next item will be
Items bought:
• Your final jungler item is
Items bought:
End of the Early Game
Note: For now on the build will be versatile. You can't really say I'm going for this, then that at every games. You need to adapt your build to your needs. I'll give you my point of view on what items to build, when to build it and why.•
Items bought:
Items bought:
Items bought:
Items bought:
Items bought:
Items needed before the next step:
Middle Game
•Items bought:
Items bought:
Items bought:
Items needed before the next step:
Late Game
•Items bought:
Items bought:
Alternatives Items
Note: You can't switch any of the three core offensive items. If you need to switch something you need to make a choice among the rest of the items.Jungler Items
Offensive Items
Defensive Items
Items not to take
The Jungle
Ah, the main part, what you were awaiting for (or at least what I was looking at on Jungle build =D).
Jungling is all about knowing where to go, when to gank, how to ward, when to kill dragon/buffs and so on... I'm not pretending I masterized every aspects to the perfection, but I may have a more or less good idea on how to do.
A lot of junglers don't know when to stop jungling, it's because they are focusing on their little tiny forest. As a lot of guides say, you need to have a good map awarness (knowing where is everyone at any moment, thanks to the minimap, the control map you have thanks to you ward and your allies' communication). Even more because you are the jungler. A lot of things will rely on you to get succesful. So before we go for an in-depth analysis of the jungling Yi style, we need to focus on the other tasks you have to do as the jungler.
General Tasks a Jungler has to do
• Be aware of what's going on in the different lans• If the solo-top or the mid guy needs to port back, go cover his tower while he does
• If you are covering a lane for someone ask him if he wants you to push his lane or not
• Don't stay too long on a lane, don't steal his gold, your partner needs to level up (once I was middle and the jungler denied me 40g, I tried to kill two minions of the next wave and I died...)
• If a lane is doing bad, gank there in priority (the enemy will likely be pushing/overextending because they have the upper hand) Even if you don't kill someone you can make them waste their summoner spells, or give the upper hand to your partners in a matter of HP pools
• Always aim for a gank when you see overextending opponents
• Don't wait too long for a gank, if you see your opponents are not overextending aim straight back to your jungle, you can't afford one single moment of inactivity
• Warding. Use the regular
Jungle Routes
Note: Back whenever you need to, I won't specify each time "you have to port back" because it really depends on what happens in-game. If you port backed and you realize your creep camps have respawned, go for them instead of going in your enemy jungle. As long as it doesn't waste too much of your time to rejoin the next buff you need. Your main goal will be to always have both blue and red buffs. If I specified "Port Back" it either means it is quicker to port back then to join the next step either your HP pool is almost always too low for the next step.Without an enemy jungler
• Small GolemsI like to start by these two golems because you have less chance of getting ganked or counter-jungled, you are also getting level 2 faster than starting with Blue Buff (it takes more time to kill the blue golem). Use a
• Wraiths
I always kill the small wraiths first or else they will all recover their HP from your initial
• Wolves
Use a
• Blue Buff
You need 3/4 of your HP pool to take it down safely, use a
• Enemy Small Golems
• Enemy Small Wraiths
Port back to quickly switch to the next step, use
• Red Buff
Use a
• Small Golems
• Wraiths
• Enemy Blue Buff
Care if the enemy lane warded their bush, they may notice you and you can be ganked by mid guy and bot lan.
• Enemy Wolves
With an enemy jungler
• Small Golems• Wraiths
• Wolves
• Blue Buff
• Small Golems
• Wraiths
• Wolves
Port back.
• Red Buff
Another Jungling Route
• Small Golems• Wraiths
• Wolves
• Gank Mid
I'm sometime going for the Blue Buff after this but your HP pool is likely too low because of the gank.
• Enemy Wraiths
• Enemy Small Golems
Port back.
• Blue Buff
• Wolves
• Wraiths
• Red Buff
• Small Golems
• Enemy Blue Buff
• Enemy Wolves
Always remember to gang as soon as you get close to a lan where your opponents are overextending (ganging with red buff will makes things 10 times easier).
I didnt speak about the dragon. Do it whenever you feel ready for it. Usually you can do it as soon as you hit level 6 and onlyif you have
General Tips for jungling
• Quick start for the Small golems: Auto attack the first one. Use• Try to activate
• Always finish off buffs and dragon with
• Don't start jungling before you are sure nobody's hidding in the bush right behind you (wait a few moment to see where your opponents are)
• Be present for the teamfights (or backdoor), and while it's finished if you don't need to heal, clear the enemy jungle if it's safe (3 or more opponents dead) and ward it, if not, go to your own jungle
• Aim straight to your towers if you realize it is going to get pushed
• If you see a lan needs backup and you are currently killing a buff, if you know it will takes more than 3-4 secondes to finish it,let it go and go help your partner(s), the buff will hopefully still be here when you'll get back
• Try to always gank with the red buff (except when your enemies are overextending with low hit points)
• Always ping before ganking ! And ping your target !
• Always keep the control over the dragon, it's a huge advantage for your team
Early Gank
I like to go for a gank right after the Wolves camp if I see the mid guy is being pushed or if the enemy has low-to-mid hit points. You just hit your third level, you haveWhen to stop jungling ?
As soon as you realize mid-game has started you should stop jungling and go for the regular push & back game. You can grab some creep kills, but always be sure to be close enough to some of your partners, in order to help or to be helped (use a lot of wards at that time). To sum up: stop jungling when your allies can't stay/hold their lans anymore with the regular 1/1/2/+1 jungler composition.Counter Jungling - Doing it and Suffering it
Doing it
If you are facing a team who also have a jungler, you're not safe. Yi is fragile, even more if someone attacks you at a critical moment (low hit points). You have no escape mechanism at start and a lot of jungler do have a chase/escape skill (To properly counter-jungle you need wards. It's not an option (you can even switch two
After you take down the Wolves you aim straight for the enemy wraiths, you kill the blue one then you keep going, you kill one of his small golems. If he started by his blue buff he might be there so be careful. It's a risky move so it's up to your playstyle of doing so.
Warding the dragon is even more needed if there's another jungler, it deals a lot of damages and it's almost sure you can kill the other jungler and finish off the dragon if you spot him. Moreover, it's an advantage you can't let the other team take uppon yours.
You may use
You may ask your support if you have one to use
If one of your lan is overextending, there's a chance the enemy jungler is going to gank there. You can counter gank them, try to be there at the moment he ganks and you have a chance of triple (or double if it's a solo lan) kill.
Suffering it
A counter-jungling rival will likely try to gank you at blue at first minute of the game. Considering you are starting at small golems he will fail. You can also be ganked at this spot but there's not much chance, your allies can cover the first bush at start and coming to your help if they gank you (I already scored a double kill before the minions spawned because two guys randomly tried to gank me there, my two mates were there, ask your team to help you, ping the map).He can also kills the big blue wraiths and/or one of your golem and ward your buffs, use
If your rival suddenly comes out of nowhere, steal your buff and try to kill you, it means you didnt warded the right way. Ward more or grabb
You should use a
Enough about jungling, let's move on to finally focus on Yi's abilities...
Ability Mechanisms
In this section I will focus on how and when you should use your abilities.
- Alpha Strike
• I mainly use it as a way to get close to any enemy champion.• Don't use it if you are already close to an opponent, the damage output is less useful than the chasing mechanism.
• Always engage a creep group by using this spell.
• In few situations you can use this to flee away (jump on an enemy minions who's far away from the danger, jump on a creep and so on...).
• If you are getting tower dived you can use this to be untargetable by autoattacks or target shots during the frame, but if your opponent use a target shot before you jump you're going to die and if he uses a skillshot on the location you were before you jump you will die too.
• It shots 4 different targets, meaning if you are in an early teamfight (sometime there are teamfight occuring on level 1) and an enemy champ is running away with low hp but he's out of the range of your spell, you can still use it on a close enemy champ, you have a chance to kill the low HP guy, same thing on minions, if an enemy champ with low hp is sitting behind his minions, hoping for some XP you can try to kill him this way.
- Meditate
• A freaking awesome baiting tool. People are not used to face a Yi that invested points into • It also gives the opportunity to switch the tide of a battle. Go into a bush while getting chased, use
• You can also use
• You can use it while being hit if you need few seconds to have
• If you're about to die during a teamfight but your allies can still help you, cast
• Finally you can cast
- Wuju Style
• This spell offers a pure synergie with your • If you're going for a gank be sure to have
• You can active this to finish off Buffs/Dragons faster, but try to activate it when you know you are going to finish it because once the passive is off you deal really low damages.
• You don't need to activate it while being on
- Highlander
• Don't enter a 1v1 or a teamfight by enabling • Sometimes you don't need your ultimate to fight a champion, you don't have to fear if you realize your ultimate is on cooldown.
• You can enables it to take down a tower quickly, paired with
• It's also a mean to escape a tough situation.
Frequently Asked Questions
This is mainly questions I asked myself. I find an answer for all of them and I'd like to share it with you.
• Why wouldn't I start at Blue's Golem ?
You can totally open up your jungle with the blue buff. It is easier to keep jungling over the levels if you start by taking this mana buff. But it has also cons. You can be easily ganked at start (if you have a team that doesnt help at all, and even if they are 3 what if you're being ganked by the whole enemy team ?), another jungler can steal your buff with Smite if you don't use it at the right time or if he uses it before you. Starting by small golems leads you to be level 2 faster, it allows you to gank with almost full life at level 3 after the wolves. I think starting by small golems is all in all a better start for
Master Yi .
• Why don't I manage to kill the Blue Golem after the Wolves ?
It can be a problem of remaining hit points, you need 3/4 of your life to kill it. It can also be a problem of runes, or skill sequence. You should be able to take it down with very few hit points remaining, don't be afraid. It's when you hesitate to keep fighting that you die.
• I never manage to hit someone in teamfights, I always get killed before, what do I do wrong ?
What is your position during teamfights ? Behind your tank ? Hide in a bush waiting for an opportunity to cut the head off an opponent ? Or on the contrary running in an openfield fighting the first enemy you meet ? Try to analyse your behaviour during teamfight. Yi is really fragile and needs a serious amount of reflexion before going in fight. Can an opponent blinds you ? Stuns you ? Is the enemy team really grouped ? If yes how is your team positionated ? Yi needs his teamates around him to lure the focus (even if they will still try to focus you down). If you are taking the firepower of the opponent team it means you justtanked for your team. Yi is not a tank at all, we all know this, nevertheless his Meditate paired with few survivability items can make you the epic lure for the enemy team.
• My team lost whereas I had my final build, how is it possible ?
Yi can obliterate a noob team, 1v2, 1v3 he doesn't fear much as long as you don't get stunned. If you play it the wrong way you are going to be totally useless to your team, no matter your stuff. You can't expect an enemy team to ignore you, it will be the contrary. If you engage or enters the fight at a bad time you can make your team loose the game because they will lack your damage output (you'll be dead !). Remember you are a major damage dealer in your team but one of the squishiest.
• Why are there more than 6 items in the item sequence ?
Because you will sell Madred's Razors and because it's only a sum up of what you may build to be efficient.
• Can I double stack Phantom Dancer ? Is double stacking viable ?
Yes you can but it's not efficient and viable at all. Yeah you will hit as fast as a machinegun. But what's the point hitting really fast if you can't actually hit anyone ? It's useless. A Quicksilver Sash or a
Warmog's Armor is ten times more useful than a second
Phantom Dancer . I already seen videos where Master Yi built two
Phantom Dancer and two
The Bloodthirster . He was freaking obliterating everyone. But they were noobs. It doesnt work in a real game, people know what you are capable of.
• Am I invulnerable while casting Alpha Strike ?
Enemies can't target you with target skill (click a target) but they can hit you with skill shot if they use it at the place you were when you casted Alpha Strike . Also if an enemy used a target shot at you before you casted
Alpha Strike you will be hit.
Log Change
07-11-11: Build created
07-13-11: Build almost finished
07-14-11: Beta Build posted
07-18-11: Build reworked, changed the Item section, presentation and few texts improved, added FAQ section
07-22-11: Build reworked
07-27-11: Removed "Build Analysis section" and all other Yi builds to make it clearer (thanks Searz)
07-29-11: The guide has been Vet Voted \o/ Thanks to the review of jhoijhoi ! I also fixed mistakes she found out. I may add videos soon.
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