domingo, 31 de julio de 2011

Lol Yorick Guide - King Of Killing You With Dead Things!


Yorick is one beast of a laner and I am going to teach you how to abuse him in this guide!

I've got two builds here for you to look at.

DPS Yorick


Tank Yorick

Both providing a great and powerful laning phase but going somewhat different routes mid/late game!


Runes in both Tank and DPS Yorick are geared towards high damage output and tankyness for ultimate lane dominance.

Reds - Flat AD damage gives him a boost in the laning phase to the DPS of all his abilities AND his ghouls! Flat AD's are amazing for laning on Yorick.

- Flat armor for a tanky laning phase.

Blues - Flat MR's for a tanky laning phase.

- Flat AD's for again, more raw DPS in lane.


I chose 0/9/21 for a few reasons.

9 in Defensive - I get 3/3, and 3/3 in Resistance and Hardiness for that tanky laning phase we've been talking about. The 3/3 in Strength of Spirit as it's going to synergize with his DPS and Tanky build extremely well. The rushing of Manamune mean's you're going to be regening a lot. It's also not bad for the laning phase as you can get Tear/Manamune pretty early.

In the Tanky build you're going to have a RIDICULOUS amount of mana so you're really going to see a difference in your HP regeneration.

21 in Utility - I get the typical 21 points in the Utility tree when going that deep into the tree. Making sure to grab 1/1 improved Flash and making sure I am grabbing the 3/3 MS increase as Movement speed for Yorick is important. Also having your summoners up 15% sooner is a big help to him. That means you're able to use them more frequently and people won't expect a tanky DPS to be that deep into the Utility tree so you can surprise them with how fast they come back up. I've done that mistake myself a few times before. You don't expect them to have Flash or Ignite up and then I later find out they're 21 into Utility.


DPS Yorick - Starting off with the Meki vs's the regular flat Mana Crystal I find is better for the laning phase. It gives you the ability to spam a bit more is all. From there into Tear + Boots. Giving you all the mana you'll need!

Manamune + Mercs are next. Giving you quite a bit of early game damage and Mercs are just good for surviving.

Trinity first vs Rushing Warmogs/Atma's - I like doing both first but I feel that going Warmogs Atma's will give you that (WTF THIS GUY WON'T DIE!) feel. Your DPS will be lower vs's rushing Trinity but if you want to build for lategame Warmogs/Atma's next are your best bet and most likely the safest.

Rushing Trinity is really good if you had a great laning phase. If you killed a couple people, got a lot of CS, hook up the Trinity and go crush their team. Worry about the Warmogs after as since you're ahead you shouldn't have to worry about dying as much.

Now for the Bloodthirster. I chose this item as it's going to add the most DPS per spell cast to your build and it's going to give you some much needed lifesteal.

At the same time though you could also get a Black Cleaver for the extra DPS it can deliver or you can even get a Gunblade as your last item.

You might think (Why Gunblade he has no AP ratios?) well because his W and E scale off AD damage but actually deal Magic damage. So the 25% Spell Vamp comes in real handy. The slow/nuke also comes in handy when W is on CD and you're in need of slowing someone. Then the base lifesteal is pretty good for him as well. So even though the AP goes to waste, it's still actually pretty good on him.

Tanky Yorick - Starting off with the Meki vs's the regular flat Mana Crystal I find is better for the laning phase. It gives you the ability to spam a bit more is all. From there into Tear + Boots. Giving you all the mana you'll need!

Manamune + Mercs are next. Giving you quite a bit of early game damage and Mercs are just good for surviving.

Spirit Visage next will give you some much needed HP, some more heals every time you E and most of all the CDR so you can spam a bit more. These are all really good stats to have on him

From here it's a 3 way situation split in my opinion on which you want to get first. If they're heavy MR Banshee's is a great choice first. If you're ahead and feeling like you could use the DPS hook up a Trinity Force. If you just want the raw HP get the Warmogs first. I feel the Frozen Heart isn't that great first over the other items as you're going to need some more HP. I would suggest getting either the Trinity, Banshee's, or Warmogs before getting the Frozen Heart just so you have a better base HP.

Now the best part of this build is that you have so much mana which syngerizes with the 3/3 Strength of Spirit so you have massive regen, and it also synergizes with the Manamune giving you a pretty good amount of extra AD damage for your spells.

You're going to also have A LOT of HP and high resistances to really tank a lot of damage. Also with your 3 Ghouls + your ultimate up you're going to have 20% damage reduction on top of all these great stats already. You should be almost invincible :p

Skill Sequence

Maxing E is a priority first as it's going to give you the most lane sustainability.

Maxing W next is the next priority as just like E it's a ranged attack. You can spam E and W on enemy champions making him a tanky DPS with a lot of poke.

Maxing Q last when it's his strongest hitting ability seems funny but you max it last as it provides the least amount of lane control and you have to be in melee range for it to work vs's the two ranged abilities. Great skill, you just max is last. You get one point in it at level 4 so you can Q a creep to run away from enemy champions if you're getting ganked or you use the move speed offensively by attacking a creep gaining the MS making you able to hit W and E easily on enemy champions.

Summoner Spells

Flash - Once you get champions low a good Q,W,E Ignite combo can finish people quite nicely. Flash also gives him a good closing the gap tool. It also grants some good survivability because he's fast already, and if you Q something you're even faster. So having the ability to jump over walls/ledges to get away from battle is a nice asset to have.

Ignite - It does a lot of damage and it fits in so nicely with finish people off. Ghouls run up and auto attack the enemy champion + Ignite on them = ez pz kills :D

Ghost - This ones okay on him but I've come to love flash on him. It's still a viable choice though.

Exhaust - This is another good one for him. It allows him to have more utility and really shine in 1v1 situations even more so then he already does. I prefer Ignite but Exhaust is really good on him too.

Ranked Play

His laning power is amazing vs champions who don't have a lot of sustainability. Ex.. The ability to heal, shields, regen a lot etc.. He can beat them still it's just a lot harder. VS champions with little to no sustainability.. OH MY GOD YOU EXCUSE MY FRENCH R A P E THEM! Spamming E,W on them + the ghoul DPS forces them out of the lane so quickly. You will bend them over so very hard.

In team fights Ultimate yourself if you're really buff but if not Ultimate your AD carry and literally have 2x AD carries auto attacking. It's amazing.

When you have 3x's Ghouls up, and your Ultimate up, you gain 20% damage reduction from his passive as each "Summon" gives him 5% damage reduction. 5%x4 = 20%! This is a gross amount of damage reduction to have making him so incredibly tanky.

He's great because his laning phase is very strong, since his buffs his team fighting is strong, and he's just overall a really strong champion right now.

Pros / Cons


- Amazing Laning Phase
- Good Sustainability
- Good Poke
- Decent Burst
- Extremely Tanky and even tankier when summons are up
- He can make 2x AD carries with his ultimate


- ???
- I honestly can't think of any Cons. I feel that everything in this build covers all his needs. I mean he's a bit weaker early game but with his E healing him, and his massive amount of harass he really doesn't have trouble holding his own in lane. I will update this when I think of something that's a con to him or this build XD.

Creeping / Jungling

He can jungle and I would tell you how but I'll let my good friend Stonewall008 show you guys :p

Team Work

Utlimate yourself or someone who's very farmed (not casters, AD / Tanky DPS!) at the start of the fight to get the most use out of your ultimate.

Peel for people using W. It's a good slow and can really peel for people who are being dove.

Other than that, Q,W,E,R stuff and F shit up :D


Farming is pretty easy as you have Ghouls that auto attack dealing extra DPS, in both these builds you have + 15 AD off the bat making last hits a breeze. You have an AoE ability as well that helps clear waves. Farming in lane with his sustainability makes getting harassed while farming not that big of an issue either.


I believe I covered all the needs and wants of you guys looking to play a little Yorick for yourselfs :p I will be updating this incase I missed anything and maybe make it a bit more snazzy in the future for you guys that love color and images :p

Overall Yorick's a boss in his current state and if you guys should get out and enjoy him while you can!

Lol Jax Guide - Jax the tanky dps counter


Jax is a champion that has his own odd little niche. He is a tank/dps/ad/ap damage dealer. Not many champions fit all these rolls but Jax just it very nicely if you can find a good lane for him to solo.

With the change in meta to tanky top lane solos Jax has found a new home top lane vs these match ups. Jax is an amazing counter to lane udyr and lane Warwick. He beats both in lane and is stronger end game.


For runes I run dodge yellows, magic resist blues, flat ad or
Scaling ad quints and armor pen or ad reds.

The armor pen and ad rune differences are not to much so you
Can decide which you like better.


I run 21/9/0
I don't pick up the increased crit
Danae mainly because I don't ever get crit items before the game ends.

As for the 9 defense nimbleness is just way to good to pass up.

Pucharse Order
Cloth Armor
Health Potion
Wriggle's Lantern
Mercury's Treads
Ninja Tabi
Hextech Gunblade
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Banshee's Veil
Atma's Impaler
Trinity Force


I start with armor 5 pots.

I try to stay in lane until I can grab wriggles plus boots.
I only go dodge boots on jax if the enemy team only has one hard cc. If they have anymore than that stick to the mercs.

I build the pick axe portion of gunblade first due to the slow being amazing for following up leap strike combos. I finish hextech and
Grab rage blade.

Once you have these items your
Core is done and anything else is luxury. If you are having trouble living then build tanky if not then grab dps items.

Skill Sequence

I grab one point in q w and e then start maxing q and w. Maxing w first will let you trade better in lane but makes you worse at chasing so you can decide which path you like better.

I max e last it is a one point wonder.

Refer to the link below for jax skill info and other things.


Jax's main mind set in lane is to just farm
Until you can get wriggles and Boots so focus on that cs!
Once you have wriggles and boots you can go far more aggressive.

Vs melée walk up autoattack w then auto again to harass. Vs range press w then leap strike to the enemy and then run back.

If you are ganked don't forget you can Leapstrike to your own minions toGet away.


You can drop your wriggles ward over a wall then leapstrikr to it. This is Useful for escaping in The jungle.

Before engaging on some one auto attack minions to build up you ultimates stacks. This way you can go crazy on them when you leapstrike to them.

Once Jax has hex and wriggles you can usually 2 man baron so drop a pink ward on baron and grab an early baron.


Jax can go all in and tunnel vision a squishy, but most good players will get a way.

I like to empower leapstrike combo a squishy then run away until my combo comes up again. Jax is a great Skirmisher so play him like one.

sábado, 30 de julio de 2011

Demonblade Tryndamere Trailer! - Lol Arena News

This week, three champions of the League disappeared in the woods near Summoners Rift amid whispers of a powerful artifact had been spotted. These intrepid treasure hunters struck off into the jungle, disregarding rumors of strange happenings, abnormal behavior among the wildlife, and a mysterious presence so terrifying that even the most courageous dare not speak its name.

Today, after a search party was dispatched, their remains were found! This is their story!

viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

Lol Leona Guide - Finally Some Female Tanking n Spanking!


This is my Guide to Leona. I will go over the basics of the build and why I do what I do. I hope you enjoy it :D


Regrowth Pendant - For that added regen to go along with your Quints :DPhilo Stone + Boots - I like to go back to base when I have 750ish gold to buy Boots + Philo. Getting these two items really makes her laning phase go a lot better. With W up and all your regen going you really don't take a lot of damage and you regen so much that your sustainability is very high.Heart of Gold - Hook this item up for some more GP10 and some much needed HP.Sheen - Sheen grants her some much needed burst when trading blows with enemies. It also adds some nice damage output which she lacks a bit.Lucidity Boots OR Mercs - I prefer the CDR boots for the most part as their a bit cheaper and I find the CDR works really nicely with her. For heavy CC teams though Mercs is your best friend and shouldn't be ignored.Phage to Trinity Force - I like getting the Phage for the slow + HP. Getting the Ruby Crystal and getting a quick Zeal is also an option. Running fast is something I enjoy a lot so I tend to do that a lot haha. Either way finish it all up into a Trinity.Why Trinity Rush!?!?! - Because her W adds 70 MR and Armor at rank 5. With your added regen and decent sized HP pool you really don't need much more mitigation at this point in the game to be a good tank. Trinity allows you to slow opponents, move quickly to chase or get away, and adds some nice stats to Leona that she gets full use out of, no stat on Trinity goes to waste on her. Then finally adds some more burst to her combo which is just ever so nice. You might not think this is a good item on her but getting it allows you to be a DPS threat while also being quite tanky still.But Elementz.. What to do with my Philstone! Well you can sell it or.. You can do one of two things!

Elelisa's Miracle - If you feel you need the Tenacity then be be afraid about getting this item.ORShurylia's Reverie - You can hook this one up for some much needed CDR, and a great speed boost for initiation.

Banshees - Now I get this item next as I feel the spell shield it offers + the HP you get again syngergize so well with her kit. W just adds so much raw tanking ability to her that you can afford to not get armor and the HP + spell shield are more than enough. The mana for her 3/3 Strength of Spirit also helps her regen out!Frozen Heart - Now this item is amazing on her in so many ways. Gives you all the armor you're going to need. Gives her the ability to shut down physical champions with it's passive. Gives you some much needed CDR. Also gives you a big mana pool for the 3/3 Stength of Spirit again. Frozen Heart was made for Leona.Now you might be asking yourself. "Elementz why didn't you add in two more big items to your item build up there?" Well that's because it honestly doesn't matter. These items I've listed are her core items and by getting them you feel so tanky, you feel like you do damage, and you feel like you contribute to your team. These are her core items and there all you're ever going to need on her. With these items you should have 35% CDR, just shy of 3,000 HP, well over 200 armor and around 200 MR with W up. But for shits n giggles let's talk about what you can throw in those two final slots :p

Force of Nature + Randuins = Unmovable object build. You would be completely shutting down physical DPS with and moving at lights speed making you able to sit on anyone and completely be unmovable from them. With resistances with W up almost hitting 300 each and around 3200 HP. Add a red pot and you're a tank with 3500 HP and 300 MR and Armor that moves at 450 MS and can spam her abilities on you all day long.

Black Cleaver + Starks = TANKY DPS + WHERES YOUR ARMOR BRO? These two items lowering armor by quite a bit, synergizing with her armor pen runes, and Trinity Force. Allowing you to be quite the DPS threat. You provide another aura for your team and will be able to tank + kill almost anyone.

Warmogs + Atmas = Yes that tank has 4000 HP. Standard tanky dps items here. It actually synergizes quite well with her again because of her W. The 70 MR and Armor scales with HP so Warmogs actually makes you pretty damn tanky. Add in Atma's for that extra DPS + a little tankyness and you're still bossing it up pretty hard :p

I hope that gives you a good idea of her core items and why I choose them and what final two item choices really shine on her :D


Reds - Armor Pen for Trinity + Auto Attacks. Yes you deal magic damage on all of your skills but the most of your damage will be from auto attacks + Trinity combos.

Yellows - Flat Armor for a stronger laning phaseBlues - Flat MR for a stronger laning phaseQuints - Flat Regen quints to synergize with Philostone and her W to provide her laning phase with the most sustainability.


0/21/9 - Standard tank page. Not getting the dodge mastery as regen is what you most want out of this build and Trinity, Banshee's, and Frozenheart all synergize with it.

Skill Sequence

Maxing W First - I get W first and max it first as getting that damage and survivability it offers is really essential to her. It also allows you to clear creep waves a lot easier. E + W on caster minions at a bit higher levels (7 or so) and you should be able to clear them almost instantly.

Maxing E Second - Q offers nothing but a slightly lower CD and a bit higher damage. E provides again a slightly lower CD and slightly more damage but this damage is RANGED and it's AoE. Meaning it hits more than one target allowing you to deal a bit more damage in team fights but mostly allowing you to farm your lane better. W+E Combo's on creeps can clear them quite quickly.Maxing Q Last - It offers the least to her kit so one point at level 4 is all you're ever going to need.

Summoner Spells

Flash - I love flashing to initiate my combo's. I find it works quite well and I've had the most success with it. Flash is just overall a great spell.

Ghost - It's a speed boost that can help you chase down stuff. That's about it haha. It's decent on her but I prefer Flash.Teleport - If you think you're going to have trouble in your lane pick up Teleport. Picking up teleport will give you a lot more lane control as well which she really needs sometimes. It's a very good summoner spell if you don't think you'll be able to handle your lane. Also ganking with teleport on her is amazing. She teleports in with A LOT of CC so it works out quite nicely for ganking ^^Ignite - This adds so much "OH MY GOD LEONA DID THAT TOO ME?" With her burst combo. People underestimate her burst power and adding in ignite to finish the kills works so nicely.Exhaust - If you really want to mess with people take this summoner. Your CC + Exhaust on someone will literally make them go "That is broken, going to forums to QQ about Leona being OP because I didn't move or do anything productive for a good 7 seconds that team fight" and it's true. She has so much to offer and this is just the icing on the cake for her kit.

Ranked Play

She is viable in ranked play but be warned.. SHE'S NOT AN EASY CHAMPION TO LEARN AND SHE'S A LITTLE UP ATM. So be warned :p

It's mostly due to her weak laning phase. If you can survive that and get into mid game when you're getting your items you'll be having a lot of fun with this build and Leona. Just survive early game and she's 100% viable!One thing she does strive on is team interaction though. Her passive + her CC makes ganking her lane so awesome. If you gank her lane you can almost guarentee a kill because of the way her kit works. Extra damage from her passive and all the CC / gap closers you're going to need to finish someone. So if you're a jungler and you got Leona on your team.. GANK HER LANE!

Pros / Cons


- Lot's of CC- Very naturally tanky- Combo's with others well- Becomes godmode tank late game- Good initiationCons:- Weak Laning Phase (tried my best to make a build that would give her the best laning phase but it's still weak, it's just who Leona is currently :(- Damage isn't that great- Base MS is a little slow- Base stats could use some loveOther than that she's a pretty good champion.

Creeping / Jungling

Her jungling isn't the best but you guys can see for yourself. TAKE IT AWAY STONEWALL!

Team Work

This is Leona's best asset. Her entire kit is based around team play. Her passive requires your team and when it gets used it does a good amount of damage. Her Q, E, and R provide so much control in a team fight and they all combo so well with other abilities that it makes catching someone with Leona fell SOOO REWARDING! You can stun lock people and it feels good :D


Solo - I feel she's a lot better in solo lanes as I feel I can sustain myself a lot better in these lanes. She might have some trouble in a solo lane but she actually is quite good vs most casters. The regen + MR you should have from runes/masteries + W makes you really hard to push out of lane if you're a caster. I've vsed Orianna, Annie, Malz, and Kennen and won or went even in those lanes. I played vs Morde as well, it was harder but I still managed to keep my lane going. I can tell you one thing though.. Akali CRUSHES HER in lane lol so don't vs her.

Duo - I feel vs EU style AD + Support bot you really can't do much and you just lose the lane. VS random stuff like a Malphite / Lux lane or something silly like that which a lot of lower Elo stuff does Leona is 100% fine. VS Try hard lanes that know what you're doing bottom lane you will have trouble from my experiences.


Her ability to farm is decent. W, and E as I talked about before are your bread and butter for this. Focus on the caster minions in the back and you should be able to farm quite easily.


I hope you enjoyed this Leona guide as I've really enjoyed playing her! This is the build I've found most success with and I hope you guys see success with it too.