DISCLAIMER: This is something I didn't think I had to write, but here it is. I explain all my choices very clearly in my guide. Every single possible choice is outlined in as much detail as I thought necessary. What does this mean? This means I have given thought to all possible options, and that you have to pick and choose what you like. The cheat sheet is specifically what I do in game as
______Before you vote down because you've read a Pro 2000 Elo guide elsewhere, I'll just state a few things. Pros may be able to play awesomely, but it doesn't mean they know more than an average player. For instance, a pro player, naming no names, chooses to go Attack Damage Seals (which give 4 damage) and puts 3 points into
______Hey guys, I'm Jai (or jhoijhoi) and simply put, I felt like making another champion guide here on Mobafire, and stop creating (or at least for now) general guides. This is my second champion guide, and I hope that it pleases you to read it as much as it pleased me to write. I had a look at the top Vayne guides, and they are great - I just wanted to show my own way of building the scariest female AD carry,
______I've played
______Vayne is not a very easy champion to play. She can get kills easily, due to
______My biggest problem with Vayne is that she requires a team that knows her damage potential. Vayne can easily, EASILY tower dive past level 3, and kill her selected target, as long as she has help. Likewise, if you manage to run into a wild
______And the best thing about Vayne is that you can build her any way you want, and she still does monstrous damage - there are many ways to build a successful Vayne. In this guide I will cover only three builds. My Vayne Build, Trinity Force Vayne, and Tank Vayne. For other builds, feel free to browse other Vayne guides for their explanations. I have also suggested
______Here I would like to take the opportunity to thank those that have helped contribute to the growth and development of this guide: Mowen, PotatisFarfar, Adonikam, WrathOfVulk, PsiGuard, YoshiX, Hahano, TheQWERTYman, Xenasis,TrophyCase, NightHawk, Wayne3100, Wintermond, Seiken and Rainbow Dashu. Special thanks to MeridianPrime who has allowed me to use some of his formatting for my own guide ^^
______These people have posted their comments and opinions, and I have either altered the guide due to it, or added their questions to the FAQ, or added their own words into the guide itself :)
______So thus begins my guide, hopefully it'll help you win some games.
Powerful Pros / Critical Cons
As all champions, Vayne has her flaws/weaknesses and her strengths. If your team is in need of a DPS (damage per second) champion, Vayne is a fantastic choice due to the fact that her damage is virtually unbeatable without items. Pick her to counter all other ranged AD carries, and most importantly, if the enemy team has healthy, beefy champions.
Powerful Pros
+ Ranged Champion = Good Farmer + Very easy to last hit with + + Extreme damage with, and without damage items + High initial and late game damage + + + Fun to play | space | space |
Critical Cons
- Squishy (if targeted, she's two-shotted down) - Relatively short range - Slow initial attack speed - Slow initial movement speed - Hard to master - Easily zoned - Bad skins :/ Dragon Hunter is the best - High expectations of Vayne players |
Potentially Pernicious Purchases
spaace | spaaaaaaace |
Maximum Survivability Build
HP/Ar/MR Stacking Enemy Team ... Just kidding. Health, Armour and Magic Resist mean nothing to as you have enough attack speed, tanks and squishies alike will be torn to pieces. Tank Vayne League of Legends Suggested Build |
As you can see, there are many ways to build a successful Vayne. In this guide I will cover only three builds. My Vayne Build,Trinity Force Vayne, and Tank Vayne. For other builds, feel free to browse other Vayne guides for their explanations.
Memorable Masteries
With Vayne (and most AD champions), it's viable to run these ways:
spaceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | Mainly Offense 21 - 0 - 9 | space | Mainly Utility + Defense 0 - 9 - 21 |
spaceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | Mainly Utility + Offense 9 - 0 - 21 | space | Equally (Offensive & Utility) 14 - 0 - 16 |
It's up to you to decide your Mastery Tree set up. If you're new to
______Regardless of which tree you decide to level, always try and get the increased awareness (leveling up) in the Utility Tree because the sooner you hit level 6, the better.
Here we see I've suggested 21/0/9, as it suits the play-style of most summoners used to playing Ranged AD Carries. That doesn't mean don't try out 15/0/15 (or a variation thereof), 9/0/21 or even 0/9/21 if you like - masteries are up to personal preference. With the 21/0/9 set up, last hitting should be a breeze, due to extra minion damage and
______Masteries that are great, no matter which tree you decide to specify/major in:
9/0/21 (or any variation of 15/0/15)
spa | Q: Why wouldn't I want to go 21/0/9 on my AD carry? ______// 21/0/9 is awesome, especially with AD Quints. Used to run it every game as Vayne. Then one day, in a Ranked premade, I secured Soraka for a friend, and they chose Vayne for me. Except our internet cut out, so I was stuck with Soraka with 21/0/9, and Vayne had 9/0/21. We swapped computers. ______Let me tell you. That extra movement speed, those extra
Q: What if I want to spec 21/0/9 anyway and I think you're a smelly bum? ______// I thought it was pretty obvious to most people that all runes and masteries (outside of the admittedly op utility tree) do is secure a mild early game advantage. Even then, one has to know what they're doing, or at least trying to do and this advantage is more or less canceled if the person/people you're laning against know what they're doing and have a comparable setup that benefits their champ. ______That being said, early game is probably the most important part of the game. 99% of runes can easily be made up for, complimented or surpassed with a couple of items and the same could be said of masteries (outside of some of the better utility tree ones and the improved summoner skills). Mostly, it's just a small early game advantage that can easily be negated by counter builds and bad laning match ups. ______// tl;dr ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ | spa |
I need to be babysat and hate you for giving me options.
Q: Specing in the Offense Tree, Specing in the Utility Tree... can't make my mind up, which spec should I taaaaake?
____________// tl;dr
______21/0/9 = Free Long Sword at level 18.
______9/0/21 = Free Kindle Gem at level 18.
______It's up to you to decide if you'd rather the cooldown reduction, or the 10 extra damage from the Long Sword.
With the set-up above, one should hardly ever run out of mana with Vayne, cooldowns are at an all-time low, and
Reasonable Runes
RUNES | |||||||||||||||
| spa |
| spa |
RUNES | |||||||||||||||
| spa |
| spa |
RUNES | |||||||||||||||
| spa |
| spa |
RUNES | |||||||||||||||
| spa |
| spa |
Jet wrote:
"HP Quints just help give you that early advantage if you don't start with a Doran's Item, and with a Doran's Item, boosts it more. Early game if you lane against someone with a massive burst, like
Anivia, you're going to have a hard time maintaining that lane if you don't have the necessary health to counter her."
My Vayne Rune Set
Maximized Damage
Maximized Survivability
Stupendous Summoner Spells
- New Vayne:
Teleport +
Ghost (or
- Intermediate Vayne:
Ghost +
- Expert Vayne:
Exhaust +
space | Aggressor / Harasser Defender / Backdooring | SpaceSpace | Beginners | SpaceSpace | Mediocre | SpaceSpace | Skilled |
(credits to MeridianPrime, who coined the above format and the below format) While Summoner Spells all come down to personal preference, I've found these Summoner Spells suit Vayne greatly. (just kidding about the
Space | Flash: Flash is extremely useful for closing the gap on enemies if they're running away, or for jumping over walls to escape from salivating enemies vying for your blood. Flash is a must have on all squishy champions with no escape mechanism. While Vayne has | Space |
Space | Exhaust: Exhaust is essential on Vayne to gain the upper hand in any 1v1 fight, or clustered teamfight. Chucking Exhaust on the enemy AD or AP carry immediately shuts them down, and allows you to perform at your full potential. As with Flash, Exhaust can be used offensively, or defensively. In the above video, I didn't really need to Q: But why ______// ______Say it's a 1v1 against you and ______All would win over you.
1) Reduces target attack damage by 70%
2) Reduces Ability/Item damage by 35% 3) Slows movement by 40% for 3 seconds ______
1) Run away if necessary
2) Chase 3) Shut down the enemy Ranged DPS carry 4) Shut down the enemy Melee DPS carry 5) Shut down the enemy Ability Power carry 6) With the upgrade in the offense tree, you also lower armor and magic resist for your team to utilise. ______Vayne excels in team-fights, not so much 1v1, as she requires that 3rd hit from | Space |
Space | Ghost: If you're not a fan of Exhaust, or just strongly believe in using | Space |
Space | Teleport: Gives you awesome map control, and being able to teleport to | Space |
Voracious Vayne's Skill Set
Tips and Tricks
Tumble gives massive harass at a low cooldown, it's a very strong ability. If you get
Tumble is far and away better than
Condemn. Perma-proc on Sheen? Yes pl0x. Condemn is another 'escape', you knock them away. You can also keep people knocked around during a team fight, which can severely cripple their team if done right, even without the stunning component.
- Use
Tumble often. It uses little mana, and with our mana regeneration runes and masteries, you always have enough mana to spam this beast of a move.
- The uses of
Tumble are numerous - one thing to mention though, is that Tumble DOES NOT got through any sort of wall at all. If you Tumble into something, Vayne with end up in an unpredictable location near where you Tumbled, so be careful that when fleeing/chasing you don't run into any walls.
- You CAN Tumble through
Veigar's stun wall
Event Horizon, and be stunned outside the wall, you CAN Tumble through
Jarvan IV's ult,
Tips and Tricks
Silver Bolts won't start crippling enemies until late game, once HP gets higher, therefore it's less of a priority than keeping yourself alive. However,
Silver Bolts provide pretty mean burst even on squishies. It gives bonus flat damage in addition to % max health as true damage.
- Never give up in a team fight. The point of
Silver Bolts is that it rewards Vayne for continuing a fight. Keep auto-attacking, listen for that audible TWANG and watch in satisfaction as their health is ripped away.
Silver Bolts makes it very easy to push a lane. Don't auto-attack creeps, just last hit. However, if you are pushing, three hits should take out the ranged minions easily.
Tips and Tricks
- Use
Condemn to push chasing enemies away from you.
- Try to Condemn enemies into walls. This stuns them.
- Condemn has a large cooldown, despite our cooldown reduction runes and masteries, so don't just spam this ability for the lulz. Use it to save/protect allies/yourself, or to create chaos in a teamfight.
Now, in the below video, I get a kill, and am left on too little health for my liking. I immediately respond to instinct, and
In this video,
Tips and Tricks
- Use this to chase. Use this to escape. Use this whenever it is up. Due to cooldown reduction masteries and runes,
Final Hour has a quick cooldown, and it is acceptable to use it when obtaining buffs, or going for an early Dragon.
- Pop this when taking down towers. You'd be amazed at your damage.
- When fleeing, make sure to activate
Final Hour before
Tumble'ing for the invisibility.
Skilling Order
The above sequence is if you are aiming for full damage from the
______When I skill, I skill based upon realistic gameplay for myself. I am not going to randomly charge to bottom lane, facecheck bottom brush, pin
______In a normal game, I skill
The Math
Pretend Statistics, level 3, no items, runes or masteries and for the sake of the argument, no armour, all actions take place at the exact same time, Vayne vs Vayne:
spaaaaaaceAs you can see, the difference between sequencing QEW and EQE is of 5 damage if the
______// I have suggested
______Additionally, it is unreliable to max an ability based upon an extra component of it. While yes, there are walls to stun someone with
______Teamfights generally occur in large open areas, where
______You can't anticipate how often someone's going to harass you. Vayne isn't exceptionally hard to zone with her relatively weak health pool. Therefore, you might need to push them off yourself or your partner (assuming you're laning with one) pretty often. Lower cooldown on Condemn is nice, but you should never have to use it multiple times in quick succession in the laning phase - it isn't a spell I use every 20ish seconds of lane play, whereas Tumble is. Using Condemn as a damage spell is a waste of mana, and I conserve the move for emergencies or ganks. Which is also the reason why I don't max it out. Not using it often means it is always on cooldown. If I was maxing it out first, lowering its cooldown, then I would probably spam it more. As it is,
______tl;dr - if you are a professional at playing LoL, if you have played enough games that you know the ins and outs of all champions, if your elo is above 1200, if you think you're good enough to land those GOOD condemns, go ahead, max
C-c-c-c-combo Breaker-r-r-r
Sometimes it is better to simply auto-attack instead of
In the below video, a lot of things happen.
1) I try to 1v1 a fed Caitlyn. It doesn't go well. However, I use a
Elixir of Fortitude to boost my health, and this allows me to survive her ultimate,
Ace in the Hole.
2) I go back for round two, with my Ult and other spells up.
3) I activate
Final Hour,
Tumble to position myself BEHIND Caitlyn, and then
Condemn her against the wall.
Caitlyn dies.
2) I go back for round two, with my Ult and other spells up.
3) I activate
In my
______My answer? You never know when that ~250 health could save your life.
Possibly Probable Finished Builds
spaace | spaaaaaace |
Maximum Survivability Build
HP/Ar/MR Stacking Enemy Team ... Just kidding. Health, Armour and Magic Resist mean nothing to as you have enough attack speed, tanks and squishies alike will be torn to pieces. Tank Vayne League of Legends Suggested Build |
As you can see, there are many ways to build a successful Vayne. In this guide I will cover only three builds. My Vayne Build,Trinity Force Vayne, and Tank Vayne. For other builds, feel free to browse other Vayne guides for their explanations.
How does Armour Work?
Armor Penetration and Armor Reduction are the statistics of a Champion which allows them to counter some or all of a target's armor. All champions have 0 base armor penetration but can increase it with items, runes, or abilities for a few champions.
______Armor penetration and armor reduction are applied in the following order:
______1. Percentage Armor Reduction (
______2. Flat Armor Reduction (
______3. Flat Armor Penetration (
______4. Percentage Armor Penetration (
______Read more on How Armour Reduction Works Here. Credit to Complexicate and LoL Wikipedia.
______For the
______What does this mean for
Sunder - 6 Armor (pierce)
The Black Cleaver - 45 Armor (reduction)
Greater Mark of Desolation - 15 (penetration)
- Silver Bolts - Ignores Armour and Magic Resist, True Damage
Broken Down Choices
spaceArmour | spacespac |
spaceResist | spacespace |
spaceHealth | spacespace |
spaceDamage | spacespa |
spaceAtk Spd | spacespac |
Dubious Decisions in Detail
______The mentality behind this build revolves around three things: Vayne is a damage beast without damage items. We need Attack Speed to proc
Now, the mentality behind buying
With this combo, you deal HUMONGOUS damage. It is almost unthinkable how much damage you do. However, the problem I have with
Math Time! 150% of 100 is 150.
So, assuming you used
The thing about AD Ranged carries is that they are squishy, always targeted by
In the above video,
Help! I'm being dominated!
If you're being completely owned, I'd suggest these early game items:
______The above items should give you a lot of sustainability and movement speed for the laning phrase. You start with phenomenal health regeneration, and once you grab that Philo Stone, a lot of mana regen too. The HoG will give you a nice chunk of health, and the Zeal will boost your movement and attack speed. Upgrade the boots to the boots you need that game (Merc's if you need the Tenacity, Zerk's if you want to deal more damage), and then upgrade to
______The beauty of course, about the above items, is that you have two gold per 10 items which should make up for the lack of farm you are being denied ^^ I only suggest the above items if your lane is harassing you really hard and you're not getting those crucial last hits.
Generic Gameplay
Early Game
I've said a few times in my guide that
As such, we want to spend the first 20 minutes of the game farming bottom lane with a support (hopefully
Q: What if I can't list hit? I'm trying really hard, but my laning partner steals all the creep kills, and the enemy lane harasses me too hard... How should I build?
______// If you're really worried, buy
______If you are failing entirely, like, the enemy is completely dominating your lane, build the tank build, or buy 3 Doran's Blades, or buy a
______I would suggest you practice last hitting with
______To play an AD carry, you really need to be able to last hit.
______By mid game you should gotten a few kills bot lane. Don't worry if you haven't, Vayne shines late game too. Vayne really has no weak game times, for example, Ashe is weak early game, then strong late game. Vayne is just awesome all game. By the 30 minute mark you should have that
______Vayne is a great initiator if an enemy champion lets themselves become out of position. In this video,
Below is another teamfight. I am cautious to approach because I can't see the enemies, and don't know who could be hiding in the brush near Blue Buff. However, once I approach the fight, I am immediately
Well, that's all I've got ;) Everything else is up to you. The best way to learn a champion is by playing games, or watching someone play. Go watch some streams of Vayne, rewatch the videos I've created for the guide, practice in AI games, by yourself, or with a friend opposing you in middle lane. Learn the amount of damage she can take, and the amount of damage she can dish out.
Main Things To Note
1) Build Survivability if you need it! Early
Negatron Cloak to go into your
Banshee's Veil if
Galio is smiting you resolutely every few seconds.
Cloth Armor to go into
Guardian Angel if
Talon is zoning you.
2) Learn to use your abilities to full effectiveness. Learn who to target in a team fight (enemy carry, whether it be AP or AD). REMEMBER TO USE EXHAUST. You have
Exhaust for a reason!
3) It is not worth it to harass your enemy if they can hurt you more if/when you retreat.
4) It's often best to wait until your allies have engaged the enemy and attack while their focus is elsewhere.
5) In a team fight, take out their carry, not the tank. Please don't focus the tank unless he is definitely going to die. You should be killing the champions that are dangerous to your team, like
2) Learn to use your abilities to full effectiveness. Learn who to target in a team fight (enemy carry, whether it be AP or AD). REMEMBER TO USE EXHAUST. You have
3) It is not worth it to harass your enemy if they can hurt you more if/when you retreat.
4) It's often best to wait until your allies have engaged the enemy and attack while their focus is elsewhere.
5) In a team fight, take out their carry, not the tank. Please don't focus the tank unless he is definitely going to die. You should be killing the champions that are dangerous to your team, like
Good luck with
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