martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

Lol Morgana Guide - Malevolent Morgana

Hey guys, I'm Jai (or jhoijhoi) and simply put, I felt like making another champion guide here on Mobafire after the success of my previous guides. This is my third champion guide, and I hope that it pleases you to read it as much as it pleased me to write. This guide is a collaboration of PatchnessWarlemming and myself - we just wanted to share what we have found to be the most effective way of building and playing the most powerful and genuinely OP female AP carry,  Morgana. You will see their contributions in their respective colours (like so: "I believe..." or "Also...") and all other white text was written by yours truly ^^

______NOTE: Most of the videos in this guide are from Ranked games, played from the perspective of Warlemming. We hope you enjoy watching them ^^

______But enough chit-chat, let's get on with the guide! Welcome to Malevolent Morgana!

Malevolent Morgana Cheat Sheet

For quick reference :P This image basically sums up the entire guide.

Powerful Pros / Critical Cons

As all champions,  Morgana has her flaws/weaknesses and her strengths. If your team is in need of an AP (Ability Power) champion to go Solo Top, Solo Mid, or as a "Support" Bottom Lane, Morgana is a fantastic choice due to her skill-set. Pick her to counter a heavy melee team, or a very squishy team.
Powerful Pros

+ Strong disabling power for an individual or team
+ Excellent laning, Tonnes of damage, CC Immunity cast on whoever you like, AP Carry and Whilst not tanky, still very resilient
+ Impossible to gank once you have  Black Shield (provided you know what you're doing)with the addition of  Flash if necessary.Space space space space space space space
Critical Cons

- Whatconslol.jpg
- Seriously though... no downsides to her.
- Her two CC's aren't terribly reliable.  Dark Binding is a skillshot, so you will need to land it, and  Soul Shackles is proximity and time based, so it can be  Flashed away before it activates.
Space space
space space space

Memorable Masteries



Q: Why do I want to spec 9/0/21?
______ The mastery set up is a standard caster page, with 9 points in Offence for your 15% Magic Pierce, and 21 points in Utility for Cooldown Reduction, Movespeed, and more Mana Regen. 3 Points should be taken in Good Hands over Perseverance, as 10% Deathtime Reduction can be game changing end game versus 2% more regen, which is the same as getting 1 more mana regen for already having 50.


spaaace Good Hands
Reduced death timer

Rung Advance

Level Advantage
space Greed

Mana Regen

 Utility Mastery
+Buff Duration

 Archmage's Savvy
go to Quickness

Rung Advance

CD Reduction

 Archaic Knowledge
Magic Penetration
space Blink of an Eye

CD Reduction

 Presence of the Master
Best Mastery Ever

The extra movespeed, Flash Mastery and Presence of the Master from the Utility trees increase my mobility and escapability, while the Archaic Knowledge MPen from the Offense tree is a must. AD Carries are pretty heavily team dependent, since if your team feeds early it'll be extremely difficult for your survivability and killing power early/midgame. This isn't quite the case with AP carries. It's more of a problem for AD carries in particular, who are extremely item dependant and scale over time. Morgana gets very good by level 6 on the other hand, and scales well till the late game. She's the carry for your AD carry

______Lategame you'll probably have the items you need, but surviving ganks from fed opponents is a problem early on. Even if your team isn't screwing up, the extra utility is much superior for getting kills. Regardless of which tree you decide to level, always try and get the increased awareness (leveling up) in the Utility Tree because the sooner you hit level 6, the better.

Reasonable Runes

Greater Quintessence of Potency
Greater Quintessence of Insight
Greater Quintessence of Fortitude
Greater Quintessence of Swiftness


  •  Greater Quintessence of Potency: This is for the champions who start off with huge harassing potential. These are the most popular caster Quints, providing a solid 15AP extra for your early game, worth 20AP once you have your  Rabadon's Deathcap.
  •  Greater Quintessence of InsightI find these runes are not worth running over Potency, because the extra 6MPen you get from them is either unnecessary early game, where Sorceror's Shoes and Marks are sufficient to pass 30MR, or useless late game, where you have your Void Staff and most opponents have 100MR at least.
  •  Greater Quintessence of Fortitude: These runes would be my #1 choice if and virtually essential if you're not planning on buying  Doran's Ring as your starting item, but opt for Boots of Speed instead, due to your enemy lane. This is especially the case in Ranked, where you can see your opponents in advance. If you find you're going up against a Karthus or Cassiopeia, or any other spammy hero, boots and pots will keep you going until you're high enough level to clear the wave in one  Tormented Soil
  •  Greater Quintessence of Swiftness: Always a bonus to have that extra movement.


Greater Mark of Insight


  •  Greater Mark of InsightThese are the only Marks worth using, starting you with 8.5 Magic Penetration. Most heroes have 30MR throughout the game without items, so with your Sorcerer's Shoes and the MR Reduction from Masteries, you'll be hitting for true damage early game.


Greater Seal of Force
Greater Seal of Clarity
Greater Seal of Replenishment
Greater Seal of Resilience


  •  Greater Seal of ForceThese are my personal preference for Seals, since I find there isn't a lot of good alternatives for other Seals for Morgana. By Level 18, they provide another 16AP.
  •  Greater Seal of Clarity/ Greater Seal of Replenishment: Necessary for early game mana regeneration. The last thing you want is to be fighting someone, go to ult them for the kill, and find you have no mana to do so. I've found with experience that it's less of an early game issue and more of a late game problem. Morgana's early game mana is almost entirely devoted to using  Tormented Soil, and with the mana regen from masteries and  Doran's Ring, there's enough regen to drop a Tormented Soil or 2 per wave. Extra mana regen does allow you to be a bit more careless, and not have to worry about burning yourself out casting your other moves.
  •  Greater Seal of Resilience: Armour is always good, a beefy  Morgana surprises enemies, and often they'll attack you without realising you have high armour. However, this isn't really necessary, as you'll most likely be mid against another AP caster. AP Caster's are almost always mid lately, which means that armour runes aren't terribly good early game. However, Morgana has to put herself in harms way late game, to use her  Soul Shackles. This is where that extra armour really shines.


Greater Glyph of Force
Greater Glyph of Warding
Greater Glyph of Focus


  •  Greater Glyph of ForceOnce again, my preferred choice for runes is AP/Level. By the end game, they provide an extra 24AP, which is a nice bonus to your damage at all points in the game
  •  Greater Glyph of Warding: Magic Resist is perfect against early game magic damage harasser champions like  Rumble or  Annie.These runes are particularly good against early game Harass, but an alternative is to run  Greater Glyph of Shielding. These provide MR/Level, so they aren't as good early game, but are much better for end game MR.
  •  Greater Glyph of Focus: Who doesn't love faster cooldowns on their spells? You'll find that these runes will allow you to spam  Tormented Soil more often to clear creep waves, and harass enemies. Flat cooldown is better than per level cooldown reduction. There's only a difference of around 3% at level 18. Early game counts the most.


Jet wrote:
"HP Quints just help give you that early advantage if you don't start with a Doran's Item, and with a Doran's Item, boosts it more. Early game if you lane against someone with a massive burst, like  Anivia, you're going to have a hard time maintaining that lane if you don't have the necessary health to counter her."

______This is a good general rule, but it doesn't apply as much to Morgana, as her inbuilt Spell Vamp  means starting with AP Quints is increasing your overall survivability, by allowing you to regenerate more health with each spell.

Balanced Morgana

Maximized Damage

Maximized Survivability

Stupendous Summoner Spells

Flash: Flash is extremely useful for closing the gap on enemies if they're running away, or for jumping over walls to escape from salivating enemies vying for your blood. Flash is a must have on all squishy champions with no escape mechanism. Flash is a fail safe, as well as being a strong offensive tool. Flash is a fantastic summoner spell for almost any champion, and  Morgana is no exception. Being able to combo  +  + (Flash/Ult/Hourglass or Flash/Ult/Black Shield) is a great initiator for a team fight. It is great for escaping enemy heroes. There are few things more satisfying than ninja dodging Ashe's Ultimate with  Flash.

Ignite: Ignite helps pack that extra little punch at any point in the game. It can make the difference between a  Health Potion saving a life and no one getting away safely. If you choose to run with the  Ignite upgrade,  Burning Embers, that extra 10 AP could go a long way.

Teleport: Gives you awesome map control, and being able to teleport to   wards, shrooms or Heim's turrets is invaluable when you want to gank. It is also useful for stopping a creep wave pushed to a tower, or, back-dooring (though Morgana's auto-attacks are pretty pitiful :P). This ability allows you to return to base whenever you need to buy items and instantly rejoin the fight. This can also allow you to make quick escapes when you don't have time to Recall (as Teleport can only be interrupted by death or a displacement/stun). As long as you can avoid being stunned for 4 seconds, that potential gank can be faltered.

Clairvoyance: Psiguard brought up a good point with Support Morgana and this ability. If you are going Support, Clairvoyance is a great addition, giving your team all important Map Control, allowing you to track Jungler movement, and prevent early ganks.

Murderous Morgana's Skill Set

SSoul Siphon (Passive)Passive allows her to stay in lane forever, even when being harassed. Pretty much all you can say about this passive, is that it is epic awesome, and champions like  Swain or  Veigar with this passive would be completely over-powered.

SDark Binding (Q): With enough AP,  Dark Binding can deal a fair amount of damage as well as snaring the opponent. The projectile moves fairly slowly, though, so try to *predict* where your target is going to move. This is a VERY good snare, 2 seconds at first level and 3 seconds at final, making it one of the longest CC's in the game.

Tips and Tricks

  • Use  Dark Binding to check for enemies in the brush. The projectile stops moving and makes a distinctive sound when it hits something.
  • As with all skill shots, one has to get used to the range, speed and damage of this ability. I suggest practising in a Custom Game with this skill until you are familiar with all it's attributes.
  • A good opponent will see this ability coming from a mile away and avoid it. Try to use it in conjunction with other CCs, whether that be the slow from  Soul Shackles for an easy shot, or a ganking jungler such as Warwick using  Infinite Duress to give you a free shot.

STormented Soil (W)This is Morgana's free farm skill. Level 1 and 2 can half kill ranged creeps, and Level 3 onwards will kill creeps in one use. Many people don't realise that Tormented Soil reduces magic resist!

Tips and Tricks
  •  Tormented Soil lowers magic resistance and low health champions can even be killed outright.
  • You will be using this skill for farming most of the early game, but don't forget that it causes 1 tick of damage immediately on cast. Use it in a way that you can kill creeps and cause your opponent some damage at the same time. Every bit counts.
  • You can use this move to do some light harass early on by placing it on the ranged creeps and on the enemy hero at the same time, but by level three or four of this skill you should be trying to get as many creeps as possible.

SBlack Shield (E) Black Shield is a vital ability to learn as it stops all forms of crowd control and shields them from all forms of magic damage, including spells, items, and pets. Similar to  Sivir's  Spell Shield or Nocturne's  Shroud of Darkness, learning how to use this spell will make you OP.

Tips and Tricks
  • Casting  Black Shield on champions with channelled spells (e.g.  Katarina and  Fiddlesticks) will help keep their abilities from being interrupted.
  • Remember that the CC immunity is tied to the shield. If your opponent does too much spell damage and breaks the shield, you will lose your CC immunity.
  • Also, remember that it is ONLY a spell shield. All physical attacks will damage your health. This is not all bad, as it means that you will not lose the CC immunity for the duration, so effects like  Frost Shot will hurt like normal, without slowing you.
  • It's important to remember that it does not block debuffs, just CC. Specifically, things like  Sigil of Silenceand  Mark of the Assassin will be placed on Morgana even if her shield is up. However, if these get activated, Sigil of Silence will not silence Morgana if the shield is up on activation, and in both cases, the magic damage will be absorbed.

SSoul Shackles (R): This is a mind-boggling ultimate. While it does far more damage than the traditional immediate stuns/snares/taunts, such as  Amumu's or  Galio's,  Soul Shackles requires you to be in the middle of the fight as the AP carry. This leaves you vulnerable to attack.

Tips and Tricks
  •  Flash and this will take you right into the center of your enemy team for a long stun.  Zhonya's Hourglass can contribute to this greatly. I'd be careful of using Zhonya's straight after using your ult though - competent enemies will run, leaving you standing by yourself, glowing gold. ForeverAlone.jpg
  •  Soul Shackles can be used to detect stealthed units and opponents in the bushes, similar to Soraka's  Starcall, both abilities become available for use if an enemy is nearby.
  • This move combos excellently with  Dark Binding, which will pin them to the spot for potentially all of the duration to wait for the stun. 5 seconds of CC for your opponent.

Skilling Order Explained



Most people will probably wonder why  Black Shield is maxed before  Dark Binding. This is a meta based issue. Specifically, the current meta almost always puts a Caster mid. Having a high level of shield allows you to outright ignore any harass they can throw at you, and you can farm in peace.

This is obviously situational though. There will be games that an enemy AD carry will go mid, especially based on your ELO/Level. If that is the case, maxing  Dark Binding before  Black Shield is not only acceptable, but better in general.

C-c-c-c-combo Breaker-r-r-r

Morgana's standard combo is to initiate with her  Soul Shackles, crippling your opponents move speed and allowing you to easily land  Dark Binding. Once this happens, immediately use  Tormented Soil and  Ignite if you have it. Your Ult will then activate, maximising your damage output.

Also, make sure to put  Black Shield on yourself during this. Your opponents will not be able to stop you directly, and will have to  Flash to escape (if they can before they are binded). If this happens, don't worry, you used a 100 second cooldown move to make them waste their 250 second cooldown flash. Go kill them as soon as your ult is ready again.

Potentially Pernicious Purchases

Maximum Damage/Survivability Morgana Build

Aura "Support" Morgana Build


League of Legends Suggested Build



As you can see from the diversity of items between the "Recommended" build and our personalised build, there are entirely different ways of building  Morgana. In this guide we will cover only the main build we suggest, as it the maximised damage/high survivability build that suits Ranked Morgana gameplay and a Support Aura build. For other builds, feel free to browse other Morgana guides for their explanations.

Still No Idea?

Broken Down Choices




spaceAP Damagespace       

Other Mentionable Items


 Zilean's ult in a can.

Tenacity + Magic Resist.

Ouch damage.

Cooldown Reduction ^^

 Cleanse as an item.

Delectably Delicious Doran's Ring Stacking

Help! I'm being dominated!

If you're being completely owned, I'd suggest these early game items:
 or  or  or 

Q: Why Stack Doran's Ring on  Morgana?
  •  Effective early game.
  • // Incredibly cost efficient
  • // More lane presence
  • // Situationally effective
  • // Survivability - cushion against harassment but not a counter
  • // The idea that every time you go back to base you should spend all of your money as effectively as possible
Q: How many Doran's Rings are too many?
  • // 4  Doran's Rings is pushing it. 5 is TOO MANY. 3 gives a nice balance. 2 gives a good early game advantage. 1 is necessary ^^
Q: Why Not  Rod of Ages Straight off the Bat??
  • //RoA gives you more power lategame but doesn't kick in as fast (3x Doran's costs you about 1700 gold less than RoA).


Dubious Decisions in Detail - Main Build

Our Morgana Build


______The mentality behind this build revolves around three things: a)  Morgana has huge sustained and burst damage with her skill set, b) We need Ability Power to raise the potential of her damage and c) A deadly caster is not deadly if they are dead :P
S20 Magic Penetration. My personal preference is  Ionian Boots of Lucidity, but for more damage early on you want these. I like to buy IBL because we do not achieve cooldown reduction in our items, and we receive plenty of Magic Penetration from  Void Staff. The main reason to run  Sorcerer's Shoes over  Ionian Boots of Lucidity is for burst damage. You're a caster, and when going in for the kill, you want your opponents to be dead in a single spell rotation. If they don't die, they will run away before you get a second chance, even with CDR.

S80 Ability Power, 630 Health, 725 Mana. This is your most core item. It allows for long term sustain on your lane thanks to the catalyst and gives you everything you need, mana, survivability and damage for your spells. Be aware that you don't have to follow the build exactly. Rod of Ages is a great item for Morgana, but if you find you're demolishing your enemies with little risk, consider buying your  Rabadon's Deathcap first.

S140 Ability Power, 30% Increase of Ability Power. The biggest gain in AP in your retinue. Two notes, never buy this item first, as it benefits more by having something else first and it is okay to delay this item if you need some armour or other survivability. Called the Infinity Edge of Casters, grabbing this item early in the game allows you to deal incredible damage. Even if an early Deathcap isn't possible, you absolutely must get this item.

S50 Armour, 100 Ability Power, 2 Seconds Invulnerability. One of the core items to your build thanks to firstly the massive AP it provides, secondly to the armour boost it gives and thirdly the fact you can go invulnerable for two seconds while  Soul Shackles is active. The active is not to be forgotten, allowing you to potentially block dangerous Ultimates such as  Requiem Ace in the Hole and  Hemoplague.

S70 Ability Power, 40% Magic Penetration. /If your opponents are building MR to counter you ( Banshee's Veilbeing most common) this will even it out. The alternative is  Abyssal Scepter The 40% magic pierce, on top of the 15% magic pierce mastery, means that a large amount of your damage is restored, allowing you to continue destroying your opponents. But there are games where every one of your enemies decides to be a glass cannon, so there will be times where this item is unnecessary.

S375 Health, 375 Mana, 50 Magic Resist, Negative Spell Block Every 45 Seconds. Contributes more to your survivability and gives you more chance to get your ult off. A good choice against a burst heavy enemy team.This item is a Carry's best friend, protecting you from 1 potential CC, providing MR and a bit of HP and Mana. It is an all round great item for just about any hero.

Aura "Support" Morgana - Alternative Build

Aura "Support" Morgana Build
Build Dedicated to PsiGuard :P


______The mentality behind this build revolves around three things: a)  Morgana sometimes cannot go mid, b) Other good supports are taken and c)  Morgana can and will carry the carry.

______You will want to build your standard support items for the first half of the game:  Philosopher's Stone Kage's Lucky Pick, and  Heart of Gold. Once you have enough money to upgrade or sell the items for others, then do so. The above build is full-on Support Morgana. Morgana can still support and carry with her normal build, but it will take longer to get those expensive items, so it's advisable to buy the gold/10 for the early game benefits. Support  Morgana should also be running  Flash +  Clairvoyance for the utility and to prevent ganks/track the jungler.

S330 Health, 30 Health/5, 15 Mana/5, 40% Movement Speed Active.This item is fantastic on any and every support. Upgraded from the highly desirable gold/10 item,  Philosopher's Stone, Shurelya's gives you health, mana regeneration, and an active movement speed boost to help allies or yourself close gaps.ALTERNATIVELY: Grab  Rod of Ages.

S99 Armor, 500 Mana, 20% CDR, 20% Enemy Attack Speed Reduction Aura.As  Morgana generally has to be in the center of the fight to produce the best results with  Soul Shackles, it is wise to buy some sort of protection. The fact that you are in the middle of the fight means you are the perfect carrier of aura items like Frozen Heart.

S70 Ability Power, 57 Magic Resist, 20 Enemy Magic Resist Reduction Aura.If you're being harassed by the enemy AP carries, this item should be purchased earlier. Not only does it give you a nice chunk of ability power, but it also gives you some decent magic resist and a great magic resist reduction aura that should help your Tormented Soil pwn face.

S50 Ability Power, +30 Ability Power + 25% Spell Vamp to Allies (Aura).Amazingly underrated item. Gives you 80 AP over-all (as the buff applies to yourself) and this increases your natural spell vamp from  Soul Siphon. Fantastic item.

Generic Gameplay

Early Game

 Morganais a strong solo hero, able to lane against most solo heroes with ease (I've yet to find a hero that is consistently problematic for her). She can also duo lane well, able to harass both opponents and farm at the same time, as long as you have a good duo laning ally.

______Farm with  Tormented Soil. When people try to gank,  Black Shield and walk away. Maybe even throw out a Dark Binding if you want to mock them. Don't be reckless? I mean, its the early game. If you use only one  Tormented Soil a creep wave you should be able to fend them off with just a  Doran's Ring.

______Not every game will be ideal. Far from it, if anything. While there will be games where your opponent lets you free farm till you are insanely powerful, in other games, your opponents will recognize the danger of a freefarming  Morgana and will shut you down.

______You will need to build to deal with this.  Negatron Cloak to go into an early  Abyssal Scepter, for example. Itemizing against AD harassment is even easier to deal with than AP damage. Pick up a  Chain Vest early on, for another 45 Armour, and turn it into a  Zhonya's Hourglass later, and you will have barely interfered with your farming.

______Early game, you should be aiming to either harass your opponent off the lane (if possible, and it isn't always), and farming up your  Sorcerer's Shoes (normally). Try to stay on your lane until level 6, at which point, either:
  • Go for the kill. Your level 6 strength is REALLY high, and with good use of your  Soul Shackles as an initiate, and chasing them with your abilities, you will either force a  Flash or successfully kill them, and can kill off the remaining creeps.
  • Or, wait for a new wave of creeps to arrive, and drop  Tormented Soil on them, wiping out all enemies creeps for the next 30 seconds.

Either way, recall straight afterwards. With the waves removed, you will be able to shop without the enemy wave pushing to your tower.

Gaining an Advantage: Blue Buff

Blue Buff Initial Spawn: 1:55
Blue Buff respawns in 5 minutes
Total XP: 280
Total Gold: 80

As  Morgana, you will want to be taking Blue Buff from your jungler (with his permission, and assistance) once he has hit level 6/no longer needs Blue Buff to help reduce his cooldowns for damage in the jungle (once he has  Madred's Razors, usually). Blue Buff will make your laning extremely powerful, especially if the enemy jungler does not give Blue Buff to the enemy AP mid carry. If you are playing the "support role" bottom lane, Blue Buff is better on whoever is mid/the jungler early game.


Warding. Do it. 75 gold can save your life or an allies.

Image: Your Tryndamere Resource, by Apotheosis. For more information about warding, visit Warding, More than your Eyes can See.

This is where you and your team should  Sight Ward.
  • Yellow: Vital to protect the jungler on your team
  • Blue: For protection depending on which lane you're on
  • Red: To guard Dragon and Baron
  • Orange: In order to Counter-Jungle


By now, you should have your boots of choice, and a solid AP item to go with it. At this point, you should start using some of your really high early game strength towards helping your other lanes (probably top lane). Your Ultimate will allow you to initiate on your opponents every time, and due to the high slow it causes, either force a  Flash or get more kills.

______Don't forget to watch your towers, making sure that they aren't being pushed while everyone is away.

______At this time of the game teamfights and ganks lurk around every corner. You want to be to reason they happen. If you see your enemies grouped up near your team, drop  Tormented Soil on all their heads, and make a move. Don't be afraid to get in the fight. 

______However, as  Morgana needs to get close to her enemies with her  Soul Shackles and to have greater success at landing  Dark Binding. Because of this, it is useful to build her with some defensive items such as  Rod of AgesAbyssal Scepter, and/or  Zhonya's Hourglass.

Team Objectives: Dragon

Dragon Initial Spawn: 2:30
Dragon respawns in 6 minutes
Total XP: 900
Total Gold: 25 + 190 Global

You will want to be taking dragon as soon as your jungler has reached level 6 and has  Wriggle's Lantern. Push your wave to the enemy tower with  Tormented Soil and go help him with Dragon. Ask for help from bottom lane if necessary.

Main Things To Note

1) Build Survivability if you need it! Early  Negatron Cloak to go into your  Abyssal Scepter if  Galio is smiting you resolutely every few seconds.  Chain Vest to go into  Zhonya's Hourglass if  Caitlyn is zoning you. Buy dem Doran's, yo.

2) Learn to use your abilities to full effectiveness. Learn who to target in a team fight (enemy carry, whether it be AP or AD). REMEMBER TO USE IGNITE. You have  Ignite for a reason!

3) It is not worth it to harass your enemy if they can hurt you more if/when you retreat.

4) It's often best to wait until your allies have engaged the enemy and attack while their focus is elsewhere.

5) In a team fight, take out their carry, not the tank. Please don't focus the tank unless he is definitely going to die. You should be killing the champions that are dangerous to your team, like  Twitch,  Katarina,  Nocturne.

Good luck with  Morgana!

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